Saturday, June 6, 2009

We are awful parents :-(

Oh my, Jimmy and I are feeling our first bout of parental guilt this morning. We have been hugging and kissing and apologizing to Jackson for hours. Jimmy's grandparents are in town from San Diego to visit Jackson and they generously bought us a video monitor. We are thrilled and already love it. It is such a cool little gadget and it's so nice to be able to see Jackson when he is in his crib without constantly walking into the room to check on him. He has been taking naps and sleeping at night for at least one stretch in his crib and when he is in it I was constantly checking on him to make sure he was breathing. Last night after I fed him I put him in his crib and he was sound asleep. Jimmy and I went to bed and put the new monitor on. We watched him sleeping for a few minutes and then went to sleep ourselves. We must have been exhausted because at 1:30 I woke up, looked at the monitor and saw Jackson SCREAMING in his crib. We hadn't heard him and the sound on the monitor had been turned all the way down. He could have been screaming an hour! We were devastated and Jackson was hysterical!! We ran into the room and it took a while for us to calm him down. I was almost in tears and was so sad thinking that Jackson had been screaming for a long time and was thinking his parents had deserted him. I just held him the whole rest of the night and apoligized over and over again. I think that he is probably over it now but I'm sure Jimmy and I get the worst parents award for last night.
We are doing well and have had a nice week.
We had a serious heat wave in Seattle, temps in the 90's and we survived and even got out and walked every day in the sun. Jackson is growing and growing and eating and eating!!

I'll post more in the next day but I've got to run so here are some pics!!


LORI said...

Oh Hun...that doesn't make you awful parents! It makes you tired! Remember, a little crying never hurt anyone (a pitiful as it is) and he was safe and sound in his crib.

Trust me, there are going to be plenty of "awful parent moments"...I have a whole shelf full of awards. ;)

Leisha B said...

That was hilarious.... no offense Andrea! But the way you wrote it was definitely amusing. You are so sweet, I can just imagine you apologizing over and over to him. Welcome to parenting and that will be the first of thousands. =) You guys are such great parents. 13 years later, Tay still has a scar on the back of his head from one of my "oops" parenting moments. Remind me to tell you that one!

Anonymous said...

Oh Honey, we have so been there. What a horrible feeling though. You most certainly are NOT bad parents!! Loving you all - J, M, C