Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Don't YOU have anything better to do???

I got a comment on one of my earlier posts that stated "Don't you have anything better to do than obsess about a baby????????"

Um, no...I actually don't!!!! This baby is obviously the most important thing in my husband's and my life right now and probably will continue to be so until the day I die. If you had been through what I went through to create this little guy you might understand but if I am offending you for keeping a blog about my pregnancy then by all means, don't read it. And, certainly don't take the time out of your busy day to comment about it.

Whoever you are please take your negative comments elsewhere...enough said.


Hannah said...

That's horrible!!! You'll make the best mother...everyone I know that has done IVF has been told they are the best mothers because they never complain. Our babies are truly the best gifts and miracles!

Anonymous said...

Even if you had conceived the "old fashion" way, watching your journey has been such a wonderful joy of how a baby grows. You are a great and funny writer and the pictures and movies are very informative. Knowing how hard you worked for this miracle makes the postings even better.

MJ said...

I saw that comment too and can't believe someone had the nerve to put something like that on your comments.

You have gone through hell to get this baby, dwell and obsess over it as much as you want.

Amber said...

I can't believe people sometimes!! Don't they have anything better to do than to look at people's blogs they don't even know and then make nasty comments about it?? I LOVE hearing your weekly updates makes me feel like I am getting to experience the most beautiful thing in a Women's Life, Pregnancy, along with you!! Keep posting for all those who DO care!! We Love YOU!! Have a Merry Christmas too by the way!!

The Brown Family said...

I have been wracking my brian for a few minutes after reading this post, and Andrea, I can't think of anything better to do with my time than have children, raise them, and TALK about it! It is truly the most miraculous thing I believe any one an go through. Your blog is not obsessive or over the top in any way. It is so cute and I love following your journey to motherhood. This blog is evidence to your future child of how much you love him, wanted him, and fought for him. Keep it up!

Christa said...

Wow, jealous much? That's awful. I like your blog:)