Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Beautiful Ovaries & A TON of needles

According to my RE my ovaries are beautiful and I should be very proud of them. Haha, I had to laugh. I have been proud of a lot of things before but I never thought I would be proud of my ovaries. My cycle is going well so far and my eggs are growing right along. I have about 9-10 on each side that are measuring at about 4-5mm. They grow about 2mm/day and they all need to get to 17-18mm before the retrieval. So, about 6 more days of stimming. I will go in on Fri, Sun, & Mon for monitoring.

So far today I have 24 needles poked into me. 3 shots at home, 1 blood draw and about 20 needles from accupuncture. Wow, who would have thought that was even possible.


my hope my faith my love said...

You should be proud of your ovaries! They are doing a good job. Maybe they are afraid if they do not start doing as told you will get rid of them too... Sorry that is my sick humor.

MJ said...

Just wanted to check in and see how your IVF was going. Everything sounds great.

~Meghan (Mjoule)~