Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hopping (okay waddling) down the bunny trail...

We've had a tough week with a very sick baby. Jackson woke up with a really high fever on Wednesday morning. He'd never had a fever before so of course it was a little scary for a neurotic, first time Mom. He has no other real symptoms except for messy diapers until today when he got a bad rash all over his body this afternoon. We figured out he has Roseola which is apparently a common virus in babies. The fever is now gone I think he feels a lot better. He slept for the entire day on Friday, waking only for milk and has been really fussy and tired all weekend but things are looking up. The rash looks pretty bad but it doesn't seem to bother him.

Today was Jackson's first Easter and despite being a little fussy he had a great time with family. We had a really nice brunch with my parents, brother, nephew and Jimmy's family. The Easter Bunny made his first trip to our house last night and Jackson was a very lucky boy! He loved his basket and got fun new toys and books from his Grandparents too.

The other big news here at the Vann house is that Jackson took his first steps this week! He took about 5 or 6 steps over and over again but he hasn't been doing much of it since he got sick. It is really cute and of course I have a video share. I think he may be running by his 1st birthday!

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS! We have to talk, how are you, how is buddy!? Love the Easter pix and the "SO BIG", how cute! We are trying "so big" with Cole...he is not nearly as good as Mr. Jackson. We miss you guys, hope your little man is hangin' in there. LOVE THE STEPS video too, so many milestones.
xoxo - Dubbs