Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Have your cake...

Ok, so how adorable are these pictures? Loving this B-day photo shoot we did with our friend Sarah a few weeks ago. They are just so fun! Jackson was loving him some birthday cake!

His big party is this weekend and we are super excited to celebrate our special little guy's first year of life. He is such a little joy right now! He is a walking, talking machine and is learning so quickly. He knows a lot of words now and is really starting to communicate and understand.

He has been super sick for the past week and is now on an antibiotic so I'm really hoping his nose stops running by his party on Saturday. We are so busy right now with work and a wedding on Friday and the party on Saturday so I'm off to get more done but I promise a sappy 1st birthday post soon!

1 comment:

Sandi said...

These are too cute...can't wait for a replay on Saturday:)
(I still can't believe it's been a year!)