Monday, January 18, 2010

8 Months

Jackson is such a little joy to be around right now. He loves to play with his toys and he is funny and happy most of the time. He is easy to take places and even does really well at restaurants.

I've been having a bit of cabin fever lately because our weather has been so wet. Today we had a sunny afternoon and I could hardly wait to get Jackson out and about in the sunshine. We went to the park and he loved the swings! I am so looking forward to all of the fun outdoor activities we can do in the summer.

I won't go on and on about how I can't believe Jackson it 8 months already but I will say that he just gets more and more fun everyday. I just love him to pieces! I could honestly just kiss his squishy cheeks all day long!

Jackson at 8 months

- Very good at telling as what he wants mostly by grunting, whining, laughing, crying or reaching.
- Crawls everywhere and is very fast. He will not sit still!
- Stands on everything and always trying to pull himself up on the things around him.
- Loves to eat, some favs are tomato, avocado, mango, tofu, rice, sweet potato, muffins, banana, yogurt, oatmeal, gardenburger and he had a salmon and mashed potatoes the other day and thought it was great!
- Loves his Mom and Dad.
- Not very vocal, grunts a lot and shrieks but no syllables.
- Likes reading books.
- Bangs his hands on everything, such a boy.
- Knows the words Mama, Dada and Milk...but has no interest in saying them!
- When the word Milk is said he will fuss and force himself into my chest until I give in.
- Sleeps 9-10 hours at night, nurses, and sleeps another 2-3.
- Has 6 teeth. 4 on the top and the bottom 2.
- Takes 2 good naps a day.
- He is huge and so heavy to carry around. Starting to outgrow 6-12 mo clothes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh my- look @ his adorable chub!!!