Sunday, August 31, 2008

This will work, This will work, This will work...

This mornings u/s & bw was another success. My E2 level is up to 895 (350 on Fri) and my follies are about 13mm. I go back in on Tuesday and at that time should find out when my retrieval will be. We are still on track for Thurs or Friday.

After such an easy time with the meds for the past few weeks I knew it was only a matter of time until I started feeling the effects and the time has come. I am achy all over, I have a dull, annoying headache that constantly travels with me, my ovaries hurt, I'm bloated, a little nauseous, I can cry at the drop of a hat, and the shots are getting tougher every night. We honestly have nowhere to put them that isn't bruised and the shots are getting more and more painful. It feels like a bee is stinging me on the inside when the medicine goes in. I'm not trying to be a downer and complain, just had to give a true account of what IVF feels like. I feel so lucky to have had such an easy time so far, the Lupron gave me no side effects and the stims have been somewhat easy so far. I knew I couldn't fly through it all with no discomfort. Only 2 or 3 more nights of the stims and then we are on to the next phase. Getting so close!

I'm trying to keep my mental attitude in a good place. The negative thoughts constantly creep in and all I can do is continually try to push them out and replace them with positive ones...aka, "this will work, this will work, this will work." I'll let you know how it's working!


my hope my faith my love said...

Sorry you are brusing. That sucks, glad you ahve not had any side effects that were real bad. Can't wait to hear when your ER is.

The Brown Family said...

As I was reading your description of the discomfort and pain you're going through, the aching, bloating, emotions and head aches, it reminded me of my pregnancy. Even with a normal and healthy pregnancy and birth, it was really difficult and scary for me. I threw up, had headaches, horrible heart burn and back pain, and I was extremely emotional some times. There were days that I would run into the doctor's office just to hear her heart beat to make sure she was still alive. So if I went through that, I can only begin to imagine what you're going through right now. I can only begin to grasp what kind of torture your heart will go through until you finally have your baby(ies) in your arms. I want you to know that we pray for you often and are always thinking of you both. When you ask God for some thing, He wants you to do your best to make it happen, and have faith, then He will do the rest. You are doing more than you can to make this work, and I know that God will follow through on His part o the bargain. Just have faith! This will work, this will work, this will work.